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Father of the bride


(excerpt only)


It's true that Shawn and I have not had many opportunities to really spend a lot of time together and get to know each other. And I certainly look forward to changing that in the months and years ahead. But in the meantime, I decided to be proactive and do a little research, see what I could learn about Shawn on my own. I mean, why not, right? We have all these resources at our disposal nowadays, where you can pretty much find out anything you want to know about a person, so I thought I’d do a little learning and get to know Shawn. This was in no way the action of an overprotective dad, if that’s what you’re thinking.


It was all above board, and Shawn I’m thrilled to report that you can stop sweating. My research did not uncover anything embarrassing or scary. No mug shots or wrap sheets, no inappropriate photographs. In fact, it was all green lights…. Except for this One… Tiny… Thing that stood out. One notable discovery I made that I think really sums up Shawn for the man he really is. And my source concurs. This little tidbit is a true reflection of Shawn in all his glory...

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Father of the bride


(excerpt only)

A couple of years ago, Stephanie had been by for a visit as she does regularly, and we spoke about many things like we always do. After she left, I said to my wife, “She’s all grown up now.” I had noticed a change in my little girl and before me now sat a beautiful young woman. 


She seemed smart, although Stephanie has always been smart. She seemed mature, although I cannot remember a time when Stephanie wasn’t mature. Even as a little girl, she somehow had a maturity. But I think what really struck me that day was her confidence. She seemed so self-assured, so comfortable in her own skin, so sure of who she is. It’s a quiet confidence and she has always had it, but on that day it spoke of the independence of someone in charge of her life and fully at ease with it. 


Maybe I can attribute some of that to David and his influence on her. Together they seem to have a very compatible style and chemistry, one that brings out the best in the other. Or perhaps it was the masterful upbringing she had at the hands of her mother and father. The truth is, the real confidence comes from her. It always has for as long as I can remember. 


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Father of the bride


(excerpt only)

When these two first started dating, there were immediate fireworks, there was excitement, there was hope, there was anticipation, butterflies and dreams. She was head over heels. If there was one tiny argument, she would soak her pillow with tears until it was resolved. And that was just my wife! That woman hasn’t made me a cup of coffee in 30 years, but as soon as Johnny showed up, all of a sudden she’s the Pioneer Woman in the kitchen.

     Okay, in fairness, it wasn’t just Angela. We were all very excited, but of course I played it cool like I always do, y’know, I kept my opinion under my hat. And if you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you.

     But seriously, out of all of Victoria’s major life decisions, none of which we had any say in, this was the easiest one to get onboard with. More than just easy, this makes all her other questionable choices suddenly make perfect sense. Like the series of college transfers: first from Miami to Connecticut, then Connecticut to New York, where Johnny just happened to be studying. Victoria, I see you inherited your sense of subtlety from your father.

     My daughter’s never really asked our advice or opinions about any of her decisions. Partly because I never waited for her to. But also because she pretty much always thinks she knows better. All her life, she and I have butted heads over that very thing: me giving my opinion and guidance and Victoria doing the exact opposite without asking me.

     Why I have so graciously let that pattern continue is because she has proven herself to be supremely right almost every time. In fact, if I dare to be completely honest, I’d have to say that I’ve learned almost as much from her over the years as she’s learned from me. As a dad it can get a little tough on the ego when you have a daughter who is so independent, so self-assured that she could fearlessly take on the world.


     No matter how well she does on her own, I always want to feel like she needs me, and especially I want her to feel that she has strong arms to fall into if she ever stumbles, and she has someone who’s watching out for her, supporting her, guiding her even if she doesn’t think she needs it. But as hard as that has been on my ego, it’s a compliment that she has chosen her next superhero and protector to be someone so much like me. I mean the two of us couldn’t be more similar, am I right, Johnny? We both love martial arts, we both love playing guitar, we both love working out, and we’re both exceptionally handsome and charming. He’s practically my clone.

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~ Trust your instincts ~

Copyright Rachel Landry Writing 2025


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